Monday, January 5, 2015

Uderstanding the love of life.

Rule number 1: the importance of an orderly mind.
       -Mark Frost: The Paladin Prophecy

My name is Janice but please call me Jay and I have started this blog as my way to expel me inner heart... at least I hope to haha. Life can be difficult, you love a number of things and you want to do a number of things that would be my biggest flaw. I do not follow Rule number 1. my mind is not orderly and if you're reading this neither is yours and that my friend is not a bad thing. sticking to one thing is hard following rules day after day is annoying and truing to understand you're fellow human is a non factor. well, you're not alone in fact there are so many of us out there that its becoming a fab- which I do not follow at ALL- I'm a supporter of being ones self. embrace who you are because today we are going to start enjoying life as it is as it will be and as it has been. you're at that age where you can be you and if I can help you alone the way great =D lets start exploring the world both in our hearts and out here were the robots roam.

 I have a deep love for many of things, culture, books, people, food, projects, education, traveling and a lot more. I hope to cover those things here with you and I hope to uncover some hidden interest in everyone around me I hope that you will look back and say "Jay's blog helped me understand that its okay for me to love this and to care very little about what you think on the matter I'm intelligent in this and you know what I will be me." okay that probably wont happen but I hope that I can make something out of nothing. I honestly don't really know what to say anymore I don't want to give away what will come up but I feel that I should say something. expect a lot of interesting things-hopefully they will interest you as well- expect to see different worlds really and imaginary, expect to hear about books and be encouraged to pick one up. expect crazy pictures of awesome things expect to be you!


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